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发布时间:2025-01-12 09:05:01 点击量:144
本文摘要:Fossil find adds a relative to our family tree化石研究老大我们找寻人类其他近亲Scientists have discovered fossils of jawbones and teeth from what may be a new species on the human family tree. This distant human relative is long extinct. It lived between 3.3 million and 3.5 million years ago in whats now Ethiopia.科学家从一种有可能是人类的近亲的新物种上找到了下颚骨和牙齿化石,然而他们早就在地球上绝迹。

Fossil find adds a relative to our family tree化石研究老大我们找寻人类其他近亲Scientists have discovered fossils of jawbones and teeth from what may be a new species on the human family tree. This distant human relative is long extinct. It lived between 3.3 million and 3.5 million years ago in whats now Ethiopia.科学家从一种有可能是人类的近亲的新物种上找到了下颚骨和牙齿化石,然而他们早就在地球上绝迹。不存在现在的埃塞俄比亚,时间介于330万年至350万年前。Scientists have named the new species Australopithecus deyiremeda. Researchers used a partial upper jaw and two lower jaws (one recovered in two pieces), to describe the species. (Deyiremeda means close relative in the local Afar language.)科学家把这一新物种命名为Australopithecus deyiremeda(南猿近亲属),研究员利用一个上颌和两个下颌(下颌被找到时已是两半)来叙述这一物种。

(Australopithecus在当地阿尔法语言中意为近亲属)Yohannes Haile-Selassie of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History in Ohio and his colleagues shared details of their new find May 28 in Nature.美国俄亥俄州克里兰夫大自然历史博物馆研究员Yohannes Haile-Selassie和他的同事于5月28号在大自然杂志中共享了他们的这一新发现的细节。Paleoanthropologists like Haile-Selassie study ancient humans and their ancestors, based on fossils and cultural artifacts or symbols that they left behind. The new discovery suggests two or more species of ancient hominids coexisted in East Africa, Haile-Selassie says. (Hominids include humans and our fossil ancestors.) The new fossils were found near where another species of hominid lived at the same time. That species is best known by a partial skeleton nicknamed Lucy.与Haile-Selassie一样的古人类学家利用化石,文化制品或者被遗留下来的文字符号来研究古人类以及他们的祖先,Haile-Selassie回应研究找到有两种或多种完整人类联合存活于非洲东部(完整人类还包括人类和我们的祖先化石。)新的化石找到于同时期另一个人类物种居住于点附近。最知名的是一个昵称为Lucy的只剩部分骨骸的南方古猿。

Species tend to adapt and change - sometimes so much so that they morph into a new species. The emergence of new traits, as part of that adaptation, usually comes in response to changes in the environment, food supply or perhaps climate. The $64 million question, says Haile-Selassie, is What environmental and ecological factors triggered hominid species diversity between around 4 million and 3 million years ago?物种偏向于适应环境和转变,有时候大量的变化最后造成他们索性演化成一个仅有新物种。作为变化的一部分,那些新的经常出现的特点一般来说不会与周围环境,食物供应,或者气候等互为协商。Haile-Selassie 认为那个价值6400美元的问题就是‘大约400万和300万年前造成完整人类物种多样性的环境和生态因素是什么’?。

